Flat steel - bars

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Flat steel

From the very beginning, our company operates in the field of ferrous metallurgy. Our assortment fully follows the metalworking industry, and in our warehouses you can find a rich assortment of all types of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy goods.
You can find our complete range of products on this page.


MATERIAL: Hot-rolled steel bars with rectangular cross-section.
STEEL QUALITY: S235JRG2 acc. u ÅÍ 10025 (RSt 37.2 acc. u DIN 17100).
LENGTH: Bar Length 6 or 12 m.
TOLERANCE:: Acc. u DIN 1017.

mm 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 18 20 25 30 40 50
10 0,236 0,314 0,393 0,471 0,628                      
12 0,283 0,377 0,471 0,565 0,754 0,942                    
14 0,330 0,440 0,550 0,660 0,880 1,100 1,320                  
16 0,377 0,500 0,630 0,750 1,010 1,260 1,510                  
18 0,424 0,565 0,710 0,850 1,130 1,410 1,700                  
20 0,467 0,623 0,780 0,940 1,250 1,560 1,960 2,180 2,340 2,490 2,800          
25 0,584 0,780 0,970 1,170 1,560 1,950 2,340 2,730 2,920 3,120 3,530          
30 0,700 0,940 1,170 1,400 1,870 2,340 2,800 3,270 3,510 3,730 4,240          
35 0,820 1,100 1,370 1,650 2,200 2,750 3,300 3,850 4,120 4,350 4,950 5,500 6,870      
40 0,940 1,250 1,560 1,870 2,490 3,120 3,740 4,360 4,670 4,990 5,610 6,230 7,850 9,420    
45 1,050 1,400 1,750 2,100 2,800 3,510 4,210 4,910 5,260 5,610 6,310 7,010 8,830 10,600    
50 1,170 1,560 1,940 2,340 3,120 3,890 4,670 5,450 5,840 6,230 7,010 7,790 9,810 11,780 15,700  
60 1,410 1,880 2,340 2,800 3,740 4,670 5,610 6,540 7,010 7,480 8,410 9,350 11,780 14,130 18,840 23,560
70 1,650 2,200 2,750 3,300 4,400 5,500 6,600 7,700 8,240 8,790 9,890 10,990 13,740 16,490 21,980 27,480
80 1,880 2,510 3,140 3,770 5,020 6,280 7,450 8,790 9,420 10,050 11,300 12,560 15,700 18,840 25,120 31,400
90 2,120 2,830 3,530 4,240 5,650 7,070 8,480 9,890 10,600 11,300 12,720 14,130 17,660 21,200 28,260 35,320
100 2,360 3,140 3,930 4,710 6,280 7,850 9,420 10,990 11,770 12,560 14,630 15,700 19,630 23,550 31,400 39,260
110 2,590 3,450 4,320 5,180 6,910 8,640 10,360 12,090 12,950 13,820 15,540 17,270 21,590 25,910 34,540 43,180
120 2,830 3,770 4,710 5,650 7,540 9,420 11,300 13,190 14,130 15,070 16,960 18,840 23,550 28,260 37,680 47,100
130 3,060 4,080 5,100 6,120 8,160 10,210 12,250 14,290 15,310 16,330 18,370 20,410 25,510 30,620 40,820 51,020
140 3,300 4,400 5,500 6,600 8,790 10,990 13,190 15,390 16,490 17,580 19,780 21,980 27,480 32,970 43,960 54,960
150 3,530 4,710 5,890 7,070 9,420 11,770 14,130 16,480 17,660 18,840 21,200 23,550 29,440 35,330 47,100 58,880
160 3,770 5,020 6,280 7,540 10,050 12,560 15,070 17,580 18,840 20,100 22,610 25,120 31,400 37,680 50,240 68,800
180 4,240 5,650 7,060 8,480 11,300 14,130 16,960 19,780 21,200 22,610 25,430 28,260 35,360 42,390 56,520 70,660
200 4,710 6,280 7,850 9,420 12,560 15,700 18,840 21,980 23,550 25,120 28,260 31,400 39,250 47,100 62,800 78,500
220 5,180 6,910 8,630 10,360 13,820 17,270 20,720 24,180 25,910 27,630 31,090 34,540 43,180 51,810 69,080 86,360
250   7,850 9,810 11,780 15,700 19,630 23,550 27,480 29,440 31,400 35,330 39,250 49,050 58,880 78,500 98,100
280       13,190 17,580 21,980 26,380 30,780 32,970 35,170 39,560 43,960 54,950 65,940 87,920 110
300       14,130 18,840 23,550 28,260 32,960 35,330 37,680 42,390 47,100 58,900 70,660 94,200 118
350       16,490 21,980 27,470 32,970 38,460 41,210 43,960 49,460 54,950 68,690 82,430 110 137
400       18,840 25,120 31,400 37,600 43,960 47,100 50,240 56,520 62,400 78,500 94,200 126 157


MATERIAL: Bar materials of square section.
STEEL QUALITY: S235JRG2 acc. u ÅÍ 10025 (RSt37.2 acc. u DIN 17100).
LENGTH: Bar Length 6 m.
TOLERANCE: Acc. u DIN 1014.

6 0.28
8 0.50
10 0.79
12 1.13
14 1.54
15 1.77
16 2.01
18 2.54
20 3.14
22 3.80
24 4.53
25 4.91
26 5.30
28 6.15
30 7.07
32 8.04
35 9.62
38 11.34
40 12.56
42 13.84
45 15.90
50 19.63
55 23.75
60 28.26
65 33.15
70 38.47
75 44.16
80 50.24
85 56.72
90 63.59
95 70.99
100 78.50
110 95.00
115 104.00
120 113.00
125 123.00
130 133.00
140 154.00
150 177.00